The honest truth is, we love Bloomington. We enjoyed Phoenix, and miss our friends there, but we love Bloomington. It might have something to do with the fact that we can go outside anytime of the day and play, and have been able to since about the first week of September. We might change our minds now that winter approaches...
One of the things I really love about Bloomington is the Symphony! I summoned up all my courage and auditioned for the Bloomington Symphony, and made it in! Mark took pictures before I left for my first rehearsal- almost like my first day of school or something. What a sweet thought. After a masters degree, two kids, and almost 4 years of marriage, it's nice to be back in an orchestra again.

Another thing we love about Bloomington: things that are really amazing and indoors don't cost alot of money (my Phoenix friends will understand this). This is Wonderlab, a children's science/play museum close to our house.

Our first Halloween in the midwest! Vivian was a lady-bug, and Nathan was a superman/ spiderman hybrid. But Mark had to study for yet more tests so I dressed the part of a single mom.

Indiana University's campus is so beautiful- just so different from what we are used to, having grown up in the west.
The truth is: Mark and I debate back and forth about whether we should stay in the midwest, or try to get work back out west. The west is close to our families, but we have really grown to love the mid-west. Everyone is so family friendly! Neighbors are neighborly. People talk to each other at the park, just because you are there at the same time. And Bloomington is a small enough town that you run into the same people at Target, at the park, the library, etc.
I think I have never really loved living someplace until now. Indiana seems to be a conglomeration of everything I love- music, family, lots of moms with little kids to get together with whenever you want, parks, lactation consulting (more about that later). The university brings a sense of culture and opportunity to this cozy little town.